Wednesday, January 25, 2012

girly wallpaper backgrounds

Jimmy Neutron The main protagonist of the series is a super intelligent boy who uses scientific knowledge and innovations to solve issues he is confronted by (most of which he causes himself). He is the son of Hugh & Judy Neutron. His best friends are Carl Wheezer & Sheen Estevez who often end up as test subjects for his experiments & inventions. At the beginning of the series Cindy Vortex is his most important rival, but he secretly feels attracted to her (and vice versa). The latter only came to true expression in the episode "Love Potion 976/J" in which he is accidentally exposed to the effects of a love potion he created himself. This caused him to fall in love with the first girl he'd see, which in this case was Cindy. Later in the episode he proclaims his love for her at the "Candy Bar". Jimmy is usually seen wearing a red shirt with an atom on it, blue jeans, and white shoes. However, in scenes where he's going to bed, in bed, or getting out of bed, he is barefoot and shirtless, wearing nothing but red and orange plaid boxers. He has blue eyes and brown hair that is considered "anti-gravity" and is in a whipped-up form, earning him many nicknames from classmates (especially Cindy) such as "fudge-head", or (from Cosmo in Jimmy Timmy Power Hour) "Señor Fudge-Head".

girly wallpapers, wallpapers
1024 × 768 - 219k - jpg

girly wallpapers, wallpapers
1920 × 1200 - 722k - jpg

girly wallpaper
1024 × 600 - 461k - jpg

heart girly backgrounds
1280 × 800 - 241k - jpg

Retro Girly Wallpaper by
1024 × 768 - 59k - jpg

Tokio Hotel Girly Wallpaper
1024 × 768 - 237k - jpg

This image called girly-random
800 × 592 - 185k - jpg

Jimmy's Best Friend. Carl is allergic to lots of things, including cats, turtles and even lasers. Yet he still helps Jimmy with his experiments. In the movie, Carl wore suspenders but in the TV show he doesn't. In a few episodes it is shown that Carl has a crush on Jimmy's mom. Although Carl didn't make a in-person appearance on Planet Sheen, he appears in one of Sheen's flashbacks. Carl also has a massive obsession over Llamas. While often dismissed by the group of friends, Carl often saves the day and utters occasional pearls of wisdom which belie his station as resident nebish: "The heart wants what the heart wants" "I can not be a genius 24/7!" and "I don't want to be cool." It is also said he has an sensitive scapula. He makes an non-physical cameo in the spin-off show Planet Sheen t.v. show, the appearance happens when Sheen meets Carl's counter-part Doppy, he sees similarities between Doppy and Carl and haves a flashback to him and Carl's times on earth before he went to Zeenu [the planet Sheen flew to].

essential girly Wallpaper,
292 × 285 - 41k - jpg

Girly Hearts Desktop Wallpaper
1280 × 1024 - 111k - gif

Hello Kitty iPad background
1024 × 1024 - 251k - jpg

Girly Grunge Desktop Wallpaper
1280 × 1024 - 88k - gif

girly wallpapers, wallpapers
1024 × 768 - 107k - jpg

pink girly pinwheel background
1024 × 768 - 137k - jpg

background screensavers
1024 × 768 - 92k - jpg

Pink polka dot background
500 × 375 - 56k - jpg

So Girly Stuff Wallpaper
420 × 525 - 59k - jpg

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